Wednesday, 30 November 2011

8km down, 34.2km to go.....

Right, that’s you lot left in suspenders long enough now. So, Monday’s “long” run. I actually had the day off, and spent half the morning trying to get some new running shoes. I have been using Brooks for a while now, with the GTS Adrenaline (silly name) seeming to do the job just fine for me, but I couldn’t find any in stock in my size, so looks like I will have to order some on tinterweb and get them delivered.

Anyway, after a nice little walk around I hit the gym, thinking “maybe I could do 10km”.  That is a bit far down the road on my training scheme (see here) but thought I might be up do it. After all, I did a half marathon just 8 weeks ago, so I must be good, right?

Wrong. I huffed and puffed my way through 8km (that’s 5 miles in old money) in 46 mins 15 seconds, and that final 5 mins was tough work, but I really wanted to hit 7.5km and from there thought I might as well do 45 mins, and once there I thought I might as well push onto 8km, but once there I just needed to stop.  Still, not too bad and something to build on.

I had yesterday afternoon off as well (using up leave that has to go before Christmas) and did consider going out, but I didn’t want to do myself a mischief after the previous day’s excersions, and it would also put me ahead of the training plan. So, instead I did nothing, but should be heading out for a 35 minute run tonight, which I am hopeful I can squeeze in before nipping out for a few drinks with a friend. I might also go out tomorrow as I have no plans for after work, which would bring Sat’s session forward to Thursday, and then I can do the long weekend run on Saturday. But we shall see!

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