Thursday, 9 February 2012

Second longest run, but it was hard work plus ideas needed!

I had to have Monday and Tuesday off training this week as I could feel a cold coming on, but come Wednesday I was feeling better and decided to attempt this week’s “long run” on the treadmill, despite having only run 6.5km on Sunday and 7km  on Saturday.

This is because it is too cold to spend any great length of time outside.  It is also my final long run before the Windsor half marathon a week on Saturday, leaving me with just a few 5km and 10kms between now and then to make sure I am not knackered come race day.

I started off pretty well, going through the first 11km in 59 minutes without even having to slow down. However after an hour the treadmill automatically resets and this disrupted my momentum and after another 1km I had to slow down for a little walk.

From that point on I never really seemed to get back in the groove, having to slow to a walk every 10 minutes or so, and going past the 17km marker around 2 minutes slower than last week.

The plan was to run for 19km but it was all I could do to struggle through to 18km and then stop.  It is not a bad result given I have had a cold, but I am a little disappointed that I couldn’t force myself that little bit further. Hopefully the half marathon will provide a bit more incentive than being stuck on a treadmill for over 100 minutes! Still it is the same as running from Bank in central london all the way out past Kew Gardens!

So now it is down to just maintaining fitness for the next 10 days and then the first true test of all this training! Afterwards I am off to a 30th fancy dress party, although I will need a little sleep I think between the two events. So far I have had no ideas about what to go as. The theme is kids TV. Any ideas???????

Please remember that I am putting myself through all this to raise money for the Willow Foundation, as well as getting less fat. You can sponsor me at and to all the people who have already done, so, thank you, it is very much appreciated and is spurring me on to train.

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