“Why Mr Fatbloke, with this second consecutive day of blogging you are really spoiling us”
Yes, that is right, a second day of blogging. This is because in yesterday’s blog I hadn’t actually done a long run this week, and now I have completed it I thought it was worth a quick update.
So the plan was to go to the gym after work, hit the treadmill and add to the 14.2km run I did last week, hopefully at the same pace of 5 mins 42 seconds per km. I was looking to try and stick to my +2km per week target, which would mean doing a 16.2 km run, taking around 1 hour, 30 minutes.
Things did not start off well when after 39 minutes I accidentally smacked the emergency stop button on the treadmill, bringing me to a grinding halt, again. I quickly reset the machine and got back up to speed, but was put off my pace a little, although the little “off the clock” stop was a tiny bit welcome.
However a few minutes later I was back in my stride, and kept going. After an additional 30 odd minutes I slowed down for around a minute to take on some Poweraid, and then pumped it back up to my standard 11.2km. And kept going. And going. And going. I sailed pass 16.2km and still felt good, so decided to carry on to do 1 hour, 30 minutes.
Once there I was so close to 17km that I thought I might as well just power on and so I ended up running 17km in 1 hours, 32 minutes and ten seconds. That is the second longest run I have ever done, after the half marathon I did back in September, and the longest distance I ran in training for that was 14km, so I am feeling pretty pleased with myself today! This was at a decent pace of 5.25 as well, making me extra pleased.
I could have even gone on longer, I still had energy and was not that tired. However, I had forgotten to put any Vaseline on my nipps and was in quite a lot of pain, as well as being bloody hungry!
Today I am feeling a bit sore in the legs and across my shoulders but other than that not too bad. The plan for the weekend is a 5km tomorrow morning and then hopefully a longer run on Sunday, although that maybe be a non started if it snows.
Please remember that I am putting myself through all this to raise money for the Willow Foundation, as well as getting less fat. You can sponsor me at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/runningfatbloke and to all the people who have already done, so, thank you, it is very much appreciated and is spurring me on to train, even in the cold!
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