Friday, 24 February 2012

Injury scare

Hello peeps,

Sorry I have not blogged since Monday, but I have had a bit of an injury scare and not done much training this week.

So, on Monday I hit the gym just to do 5km in no particular rush, just as a warm down from Saturday’s half marathon. I felt a big heavy legged but other than that ok, which bodes well for the race etc. So far, so good.

However, on Tuesday night I was playing football. We drew the first match 1-1, mainly thanks to an outstanding effort from goalie Geri rather than any good defending from me. However, in the second match I seem to have buggered my left knee.  This is the knee I tore the medial ligament in a few years ago, which caused me a lot of issues at the time as well as a shedload of physio. 

In my training so far I have been waiting for it to flair up again, but until this week all has been well.  However, after a bit of argy-bargy, it was a drop ball, with me defending and the attacker walloped it right into the underside of my foot, jarring my knee.  This meant that Wednesday’s planned 10km was off, as at times it was painful to walk on it and I didn’t want to aggravate what could be a serious issue.

I was still in pain on Thursday but I don’t want to lose the fitness I have worked so hard to build up so far, so despite an ache I decided to go for a slow, gentle 7km on the treadmill and if anything could go wrong I could stop immediately and then just go home. Thankfully, although it did feel a bit sore the run seemed to do more harm than good and today my knee feels much closer to normal, so I am going to have a crack at 8km tonight. If that goes well, then I might have a go at 20km plus tomorrow afternoon, although the weather and not just my knee has to hold out for that.

If you are impressed that I have even managed to get this far then you can sponsor me at, where I am raising money for the Willow Foundation, which provides special days to seriously ill young adults.

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